“Queen Elizabeth Scholar learns to navigate cultural complexity in Africa.” UToday.
“Health science students help paint pictures of maternal health in Uganda.” UToday.
“U of C led project tackles maternal death rates in sub-Saharan Africa.” Global News.
“Calgary-led project aims to keep mothers and babies safe during birth.” Global News.
“UCalgary promotes its expertise in sickle cell disease, helping families around the world.” UToday.
“Opinion: Vaccine hesitancy needlessly puts our children at risk.” Calgary Herald.
“UCalgary partnership helps improve childbirth safety for moms and babies in Tanzania.” UToday.
“The Politics of Global Health.” World Vision Canada.
“Interact banquet a success for OHS students.” Olds Albertan.
“CSM members named to ACGC’s Top 30 under 30.” CSM Connect.
“Measuring Impact and Saving Lives.” CanWaCH.
“Digital Storytelling has Potential within Global Health Research.” CanWaCH.
The Insider: Vol 5, Issue 4. Global Child Health Unit.
“Canadian Women in Global Health 2018.” Canadian Society for International Health.
[VIDEO] “Dean’s Talk 2018- Dr. Jenn Brenner. MD.” UCalgary Cumming School of Medicine.
“What’s going on in Tanzania?” Save the Mothers Newsletter.
“Mama na Mtoto project aims to improve maternal, newborn and child health in Tanzania.” UToday.