Dr. Jenn Brenner MD, FRCPC is a pediatrician and Clinical Associate Professor at the Cumming School of Medicine in the University of Calgary. She is the Director for the Mama na Mtoto implementation project and Canadian lead for the IMCHA and synergy research and evaluation activities. Jenn has a passion for maternal and child health programming implementation and evaluation with extensive experience working in Asia and Africa. She has learned so much from East African colleagues during many wonderful years as part of the Healthy Child Uganda Mama Toto and now Mama na Mtoto teams. Jenn was also a founding and executive member of the Global Child & Youth Health Section at the Canadian Paediatric Society, is a Canadian Network for Maternal, Newborn & Child Health (CAN-MNCH) Metrics Working Group member, and has participated in the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences’ Expert Panel on Canada’s Strategic Role in Global Health.